Many people travel and give presentations in different places. Sometimes they might need to go out of city for a presentation. At presentations like these, the venue might be unknown to you. You may have a hard time of the your remote battery dies or the laptop is placed too far away. There are some things that you can bring with you to make life easier. Today we will talk about gadgets that you may want to bring with yourself to give presentations while travelling.

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Keep A VGA Extension Cable With You

Keep a long VGA cable to connect your laptop to the projector. Using a gadget like this cable means that you can sit at your desired place with your laptop within arm’s reach. The projector connection cable is usually where the lectern is. But having a long cable enables you to give live presentations as well.

Buy A USB Speaker To Play Audio If Needed

Visuals can be transmitted through the VGA connection between your laptop and the projector screen. But what if you wanted to play audio for your audience? What would you do then? Your laptop’s speakers are probably not good enough, and they’re aimed at you; not the audience. This is where gadgets like a USB speaker comes in mind. You can connect it to the laptop via USB and an audio cable. These speakers should be loud enough for many people to hear. They are limited in their amplitude, but they should be enough loud for a room full of 50 or more people to hear.

Use Gadgets Like a Wireless Mouse And Keyboard For Presentations

Wireless mice and keyboards are used by many people these days. They are reliable and easy to use. Choose one that feels comfortable in your hands and fits in your bag easily. Some presenters have found success with the gadgets like the Microsoft Arc mouse, you can buy any mouse that fits your needs.

Image Courtesy:

Zett Fafix Diaprojektor by Berthold Werner [Public Domain] via Wikimedia Commons