The Presentation Summit is a conference featuring live presentations and workshops. Its purpose is to help presenters become better designers, storytellers, and content creators. It is an attempt to help give professional presentation designers a sense of community and belonging in this internet-based connected world.
Great Ideas To Share
Every year presenters give talks on this presentation conference and share their expertise with fellow attendees. Today, we will be looking at some of these ideas that you guys might like. So, lets get started.
Is The Design Good Enough To Pay For?
This was discussed in an entrepreneur’s round table session by the one and only Dave Paradi. People trying to make a difference in the current presentation culture are often stopped by this issue. Organizations aren’t usually willing to pay more to make a good Presentation unless they have to. Presenters can show the cost of a bad presentation by using this Poor Presentation Cost Calculator. This cost does not even include the sales and increase in productivity that can be achieved from good presentations.
Ric Bretschneider’s Pecha Kucha Session
Pecha Kucha means “Chit Chat” which is a Japanese style for short presentations made famous by architects from Tokyo in 2013. These 20 x 20 presentations contain 20 slides that change after 20 seconds each. Presentations are 6 minutes and 40 seconds long. This style of presentation is especially useful for topics where people tend to take a lot of time.
Nolan Haims Explains How Simplicity Sells
Nolan explained in his presentation how simplicity not only sells better, but how it also works for many use cases. This simple method consists of removing things that can be removed and focusing on the core. This makes the message simpler to understand and more memorable. Kind of like a bumper sticker.
Mike Parkinson Asks Us to Compare Real Experiences vs Opinion
In this presentation from the presentation summit, Mike shared his life experiences and showed us how his professional life changed through them. He explained how people group fact with opinion when they give Advice based on their knowledge alone. In comparison, personal experiences are very real and teach hard lessons. It is very different when someone talks from personal experience. In comparison, it comes across as unconvincing when we try to make something look like it was our personal experience when it wasn’t. Only use “I” for your own experiences.
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