The Celestial PowerPoint Template is simple and minimalistic. Its two tone purple background gives it a sense of mystery and wonder. The color gives the presentation a hint of rare and special. The circular shapes tell us of the wonder one experiences when looking at the sky or when travelling at sea.

Celestial PowerPoint Template is suitable for business, education, and home use. It can be used with formal and informal presentations. Use this template when you want to present something that is rare and valuable. A simple yet elegant template for various occasions.

Celestial PowerPoint Template - Main -- FreePowerPointTemplates

Adding graphs and tables to the template is easy. PowerPoint 2016 makes adding these elements a breeze.

Celestial PowerPoint Template - Charts --- FreePowerPointTemplates

The template format is 16:9 which is suitable for common widescreen projectors and displays. The wide angle means that you can display more information on the screen at once. This may include text, graphs, and various content on the Two Content Layout shown above.

Download the Celestial PowerPoint Template by clicking on this link, or edit it online. The online version is available for anyone who has a Microsoft account. It can be viewed and edited online using PowerPoint Online.

The downloaded version is compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 for Windows 8, Windows 10, PowerPoint 2016 for Mac and PowerPoint 2013 for PC.