Making a Powerful pitch that moves people can be a bit of a challenge. It needs to be short yet informative; simple yet moving. There are a few great things you can try to make amazing pitch presentations.

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Give Them A Preview of Things They Can Get

The first and most important part of any pitch is the preview. This is where you show them what they’ll be getting if they invest in your product or service. This should be professional and it should look polished. You have to convince them that your product is worth investing in.

Give Them Enough To Keep Their Attention

After you’ve got the attention of your audience, your job is to keep them interested. Give them proof which convinces them that you’re the right choice for them.

Make All Arguments Based on Evidence

Avoid making empty claims. Don’t use statements that make you sound like a bad infomercial. Instead, show them real proof in the form of a graph or image. Use numbers to quantify results if possible. A claim with proof speaks for itself.

Keep The Presentation As Short As You Can

As always, keep your presentation short and simple as much as you can. Delivering a long presentation is difficult both for you and for your audience. There is a threshold after which more is less. Try not to cross over that limit.

How Many Slides Should I Make?

There is no magic number for slides, but you should end the presentation earlier than scheduled. Everything is okay as long as the slides don’t have too much information on them. One point per slide is more than enough.

Ask Them To Follow Up

Make sure to guide your audience to the next step. If you ask them to contact you for information, then make the contact information very clear. Give them a Discount or some other Promotional offer so that you can keep in touch with them, and they can experience your product or service.

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