When a PowerPoint presentation arrives in your inbox, what is the first thing you look at? Is it the number of slides in the presentation? Many people believe that the number of slides in a presentation indicate its effectiveness. That is simply not True.

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The Number in Your Mind

The ideal number of slides for a presentation is just a number in your mind. And, it seems that everyone has their own favorite number or numbers depending on the type of presentation. Whatever that number may be; you should not start judging the presentation from it.

Why Do People Judge Presentations By The Number of Slides?

People do this when most presentations they see follow the same old format. Even though the number of slides may have no impact on the effectiveness of the presentation. The may choose to prepare slides that contain a small amount of information each. In contrast, the presenter may choose to show a few slides and talk about them for a long time.

Make More Slides if You Need to

Don’t be afraid to make a presentation with lots of slides in it. These days, people have shorter attention spans. So, depending on the topic; you may choose to divide a message into several smaller points. Then, you can make several smaller illustrated slides for each point. Have a relevant visual with the message on each slide. Once you have delivered the message to the audience, move on to the next slide.

Shorter slides are also easier to read. Anyone who gets these slides in the email will certainly have an easier time understanding the message. Smaller slides can actually be read faster because they break everything down to the basics.

The Bottom Line

How will people react to your presentation? Some of them will probably not like that you have made a presentation with many slides in it. But, people’s way of thinking is changing. It does seem inevitable that presentations with a lot of quick slides will be the norm in coming years. So, don’t be afraid of using this method.

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