For many presenters, the main objective of their presentation is to sell a product or service. Most presenters focus on providing data and making a good looking presentation (if possible). However, simply making your presentation look better probably won’t win clients with specific needs. So what can you do to make a better sales presentation for a specific client? The answer is Structure. Here are some tips!

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Make Your Expectations Clear

You must define your expectations from the client. This step seems easy. Of course, you might say: “We want to make a lot of sales and probably keep selling to the client long-term”. This goal is a little too broad for one presentation.

Then, you might say: “We want to make this deal”. But this still doesn’t answer the core question: “What is your intended reaction from the client?” Be as clear and specific as you can.

What is The Client’s Current Situation?

What is the client’s current relationship with you? How happy are they with you? Is this the first time they have encountered you or do you have a history? Are they short on time when making this decision?

What Can You Do to Deliver The Client’s Specific Needs?

Will you be able to take them from where they are now to where they need to be? You should have a few ideas prepared for them. Try to present these solutions as one larger solution. Or as pieces of the same puzzle.

So, for example, Idea 1 enables Idea 2 to work, and Idea 3 to work, and so on. Show them that your solution is crafted to fit their needs.


Knowing your client’s needs, and your abilities are both very important things. Use a presentation to demonstrate how your company’s unique solution and your client’s needs coincide. This will give you confidence and a clarity of mind when presenting. Good structure is key to bringing in new sales.