Most of the time when we use animation, we’re trying to direct the audience’s attention towards something in the presentation. When done correctly, this can help us get the audience to understand a process or concept visually by using motion path animation. We can also use reveal animations to show things slowly as we talk about them.

But what if you didn’t want an animation to take people’s attention away from the content? Can animation be used to segway from one topic to another? And, how would the audience react to different transitions? Enter Slide Transition Effects.

Slide Transition Effects Within The Slide

Some slide transition effects display elements without moving the slide These effects help you direct the audience’s attention without confusing them with too much movement. Some common examples include Appear, Dissolve, Peek, Wipe, and Zoom.

Slide Transition Effects That Go Outside The Slide

Some slide transition effects display elements by moving away from the slide. Common examples include Spiral and Fly effects. The slide just flies off the screen and disappears, and the audience is left wondering about it. These effects can be distracting.

What Effects To Use For Text and Images?

The most popular effects to use for slides containing text and images are Fade, Dissolve, and Appear. They don’t really distract the audience and the slide changes smoothly, preventing the audience from losing too much focus.

Choosing The Speed of The Slide Transition Effects

With most slide transitions, you have an option to increase or decrease the speed of the transition effect. You can make the transition faster to surprise the audience or to explain something fast. You can also make it slower if it matches the mood of the presentation being delivered. It is up to you to decide which slide transition effects works best for you.

Image Courtesy:

Slide Green Screen Transition by Gabrielle Marie Murch [CC BY 0] via youtube