Public speaking can be a bit tough even if you’ve been doing a lot of presenting.

However, here are a few things that you can do to calm presentation nerves.

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Rehearse Your presentation A Few Times

Practice is very important. Some people aren’t naturally good speakers. Others don’t present all that often. Therefore, the chances of them making a mistake during an unfamiliar experience such as a presentation is high.

Try to use your own words for practice. Rehearse your lines while walking, sitting, and standing in various positions. It is probably best to record your voice when you decide to rehearse a presentation.

That way you can play it back and make changes to the way you sound if needed.

Watch and Attend Other Presentations

This is a great way to get a feel for the presentation from the audience’s and the presenter’s point of view.

If there are presentations before yours, then attend them to get a feel for the room and the audience.

This will help you ride the wave and adjust your tone to match the audience.

Arrive Early and Spend Some Time Around The Presentation Area

You can’t be late if you arrive early, so that’s one more problem solved. And, now you can walk around the area where you’ll be presenting.

Arriving early has a few advantages. It allows your neves to settle down and focus on the task.

Explore the room to feel more comfortable in it.

Meet The Audience Before The Presentation Starts

Once you arrive early, you can meet members of the audience.

Talking to them should make it more comfortable for you to present to them. Talking should also make you seem more likable as a presenter and prevent presentation nerves.

Anticipate Positive Results From The Presentation

Scientific studies show that visualizing positively about an outcome influences our effectiveness in the same way. Imagining a positive outcome gives you a better chance of having that outcome.

When Nervous, Breathe Properly

You may not notice, but you either stop breathing when you’re nervous or you start breathing really fast when you’re worried.

Breathing is Life. This is the foundation of many teachings in yoga, systema, chinese chigong and other disciplines. Basically, if you can control your breathing, then you can control your body.

So, take deep breaths if you’re feeling nervous. Also, smile more. It really works.

Drink Water To Keep Yourself Hydrated

Keep a small bottle of water with you if you tend to get dry throat when talking to an audience due to presentation nerves.

Being A Little Nervous Isn’t A Bad Thing

Being a little nervous actually helps you try harder and perform better. However too much or too little stress gives negative results as indicated by data collected for scientific research.