There are some mistakes that can change the tone of the presentation. Mistakes that convince the audience that this presenter is probably not very capable at presenting. Apologizing to the audience is one of those mistakes. Making a good impression on the audience is vital for an impressive presentation. Here, we will be looking at some common apologies that people make when presenting.

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Don’t Apologize For Lack of Confidence

The first thing that people commonly apologize for when presenting, is for their lack of confidence, preparation, or something along those lines. They might say, “I’m not very good at public speaking”, or “I’m kinda nervous about this presentation”. Saying something like this before presenting, makes the audience think that they’re in for an awkward presentation.

You should try to find the time and prepare for the presentation in advance. Rehearse and practice until you gain enough experience. Find someone who is familiar with the mood of the expected audience in that conference room. Don’t worry, be calm and breathe normally while delivering the presentation.

Don’t Apologize For Lack of Presentation Skills

By telling the audience that you’re not really a good presenter, you’re basically telling them that you are not confident in yourself. This is similar to the first one, but it is quite a different problem. It means that the presenter does not really know how to improve their presentation skills.

Like many other skill, presentation skills can be learned from imitating those who have more experience. Watch TED talks and other conference talks to get an idea on how to give presentations that influence people. Have confidence in yourself and your message will reach the audience. You have to convince yourself before you can convince them.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Other Presenters

You might get on stage and say, “I’m sorry but my presentation may not be as good as the one you just saw.” Although giving credit to someone else is perfectly valid, make sure to give credit in a way that it does not make your presentation look bad in comparison.

Trust your instincts and try to read the atmosphere in the room before presenting. Deliver your message to the audience while matching the mood simply by adjusting your tone to that which is expected.

Image Courtesy

Adventurer Jason Lewis public speaking by Tammie6123  [CC BY 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons