So, you’ve given a well-made presentation. You’re confident that all the important points were communicated to the audience in an orderly fashion. Give yourself a pat in the back! Your job is done.

Or is it? Does your role end here?

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They’ll Forget Everything

Did you know that people may forget most of the information you’ve presented within an hour of hearing it? Research suggests that people forget almost 70% of what they learn within 24 hours of learning it, and that number goes up to 90% after a week has passed.

Its Pretty Normal Though

This is actually a perfectly normal part of how our brains function in real life. We have to keep important things in our short-term memory, and we only choose to store some of it in our long-term memory. Everything else is simply tossed out.

Is That Happening To Your Presentations as Well?

Are people remembering your presentations? or do they forget most of it? Of course, most people will forget a good portion of the presentation. Sometimes this can even happen when they really wanted to take action, but people forget.

Just Follow-Up and Remind Them

The follow-up should be a part of your overall effort to promote the presentation’s idea because of how often people forget. Now, you might be thinking what this follow-up looks like.

Email Them a Reminder

Simply email people who watched the presentation. Remind them of the main points in the presentation. You may consider sending them more emails similar to a newsletter. Just make sure that you’re being considerate to your audience instead of just bothering them with emails.

Make a Short Video From Your Presentation and Share it

You should make a shorter version of the presentation using fewer slides. Save it as a video using PowerPoint, and then upload it to a video sharing site. Include a link to the video in your follow-up email to remind people about the Presentation they saw.

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