Chances are that you’re putting a lot of effort in making your presentations if you’re making them yourself. Naturally, you don’t want to see all that effort go to waste. This can happen if you make a few common design mistakes.

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Using Master Slides

If you’ve been making presentations for a while then you probably know that having a master slide is crucial. This basically means having a custom layout of slide elements and custom formatting for the text in the presentation. If you don’t already have a design template, then you can try downloading one from here.

Changing Slide Formatting

Now that we’ve established that you’re using a master slide, we can look into the problem of changing major elements of the presentation. You might be tempted to remove that Title or remove the Footer from some slides, but don’t. Seeing slide elements move around on the screen like that is very distracting. It can make a great presentation look really unprofessional.

Keep The Design Simple 

Anybody who’s made a presentation using PowerPoint (or any other presentation software) knows that a slew of features are available. All these features make it easier  to find the effect you might be looking for. But, you should never try to use multiple effects in the same presentation. Especially if they don’t really help the audience understand your message.

Bad Quality Content

This includes blurry tables; blurry images of charts copied from PDF files; low resolution images; and un cropped off-center images. If you’re looking for images online, then you can use search filters to find higher resolution images. You can also use Google image search to upload your chosen image and look for a higher resolution version of it.

Note: Make sure to only use images according to their license. We don’t encourage using licensed content without the content creator’s permission.

Taking a few design related precautions like this will help make your work shine brighter. It should look more professional and make a bigger impact on the audience.