Free Basic timeline template for PowerPoint is a SmartArt style productivity background. Keep track of milestones and dates to remember at work or school with this dark colored theme. It is designed specially for students who are assigned a final year thesis or project. Find productivity related themes, such as free Education Chalkboard PPT theme and Achievement Certificate PowerPoint slides to brainstorm a research strategy and to acknowledge the progress of your research partners.

Customize the SmartArt or choose a similar one by launching Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 PC, or its earlier release. Click on “Insert” button, located on the Quick Access Toolbar. Now click on SmartArt. Choose from a list of SmartArt options, such as ones with timeline or diagram format.

Free Basic Timeline Template for PowerPoint

Insert milestones and caption the memorable dates, in order to remember assignments and pending lectures. The template has a single slide, but you can duplicate it to make comprehensive timelines and to keep track of long-term progress. Download similar themes, such as free Quiz PPT presentation.

View and edit free Basic Timeline template for PowerPoint